Hummus (חוּמוּס) is a spread made from crushed hummus grains (gargirim - גַּרְגִּירִים). Here’s a recipe (matkon - מַתְכּוֹן) for you to make your own homemade hummus!
The Ingredients
500 gram small hummus grains.
1 tsp drinking soda.
½ cup (cos - כּוֹס) raw tahini (thina golmit - טְחִינָה גָּולְמִית).
¼ cup lemon juice (mits limon - מִיץ לִימוֹן), or one squeezed fresh lemon.
5 garlic (shoom - שׁוּם) cloves.
½ tsp salt (melah - מֶלַח).
¼ tsp black pepper (pilpel shahor - פִּלְפֵּל שָׁחוֹר).
½ tsp cumin (camon - כַּמּוֹן).

The Instructions
Soak hummus grains for 24 hours with drinking soda. Wash the grains after soaking it.
Cook the hummus grains with water (ma’im - מַיִם) until the grains gets soft. (Keep the water aside!)
Mix together: filtered hummus grains, raw tahini, lemon juice, garlic cloves, salt, black pepper, cumin. Crush everything (hacol - הַכֹּל) together with the water you used for cooking the hummus grains, until you get a uniform texture (ta’arovet ahida - תַּעֲרוֹבֶת אֲחִידָה).

Pro Tips
Decorations for serving: After you move your finished hummus to a plate (tzalahat - צַלַּחַת), you can spread some hummus grains over your ready hummus, some olive oil (shemen za’it - שֶׁמֶן זַיִת), and some parsley (petruzilia - פֶּטְרוֹזִילְיָה)!
If you like spicy (harif - חָרִיף) food, you can add 1 tea spoon of hot sauce.
